Christ alone

Christ aloneTullian Tchividjian, grandson of Billy Graham, inspires me with some of his teachings, particularly when he makes the unequivocal statement that ‘Jesus+nothing=Everything’ something inside of me erupts with truth-affirming joy.

Apostles, Prophets and evangelists have to realise that as they set out their conferences and seminars, that those events are not a means to an end of establishing their ministry or making their name known, it is about Christ alone.

It doesn’t matter which name I cite, we are all in the same predicament, sharing the same common weaknesses that come in different subtle ways.

None of us are sinless, and all of us without exception are holy not because of what we have done, but because Christ alone has made us holy. Let me emphasise something to you that might bring the grace of the gospel to bear on your heart; if you get to heaven on holiness that you yourself have obtained, then you walk eternity demonstrating that you personally, of yourself, had the capacity to fulfill what God provided. You provided your own holiness. That itself, would have further dire consequences. We are to walk in holiness – but that walk is a walk in all that someone else has done for you and on your behalf. It is all about works, but not yours – Christ’s!

Someone I know recently had a vision in the night. They found themselves standing in a field without any trees, hedges, plants or shrubs – just grass. The field went into the distance as far as their eye could see, just one big field. Jesus stood next to him in the field, silent. Apparently, it didn’t matter what colour the grass was, it could have been bright pink with hues of blues – all that mattered was Jesus. There was nothing else in the vision, no signs, phenomena or angelic activity, there was no words either, just the person of Christ alone.

It is easy to reflect on such a vision and say, ‘is that it?’ but the staggering truth is that when you are gazing at Christ alone you have it all. Away from the bombardment of the senses by media, people, work, pain, triumph and time, things look different and eternity begins its passionate work to make those things look different by drawing us to the the full consequence of eternal salvation. Nothing has real meaning and value except in Christ.

Not all of today’s prophets, prophesiers and flake-jobs are getting that but some are, but it’s not the big names that are leading the way.

If you want some advice on how to see your prophetic ministry really take off here it is;

  • turn people’s focus onto Jesus
  • teach them to trust Christ alone for their salvation
  • Urge them to look to Christ alone for their holiness and righteousness – then they will never struggle with acceptance, affirmation or whether they are loved.

It was because God so loved the world that He sent His Son, He did not send His Son to die for us and then He would love us. It is all about what Christ alone has done for us.

Prophets should focus on sharing the amazing truth of the gospel that points to Christ alone, not to revelations that they want to sell on mp3’s, videos and DVD’s to give them a salary because God isn’t providing for them! If God has really called, he’ll provide. (When Saul of Tarsus was Tent-making it wasn’t a service he was selling to the Church!)

Let’s get back to the message of ‘Christ alone’ – which incidentally is being preached with great passion and with God’s rich anointing in much of the Church, usually by preachers not the prophets. It will thrill the heart of the Church and bring a focus on the true gospel that will inspire, encourage, restore and draw the hearts of people to Christ.

It’s not about your revelations, fastings, activations, dreams and any other thing that you or your website talk about to validate your ministry – it’s about Christ alone, and to Him alone belongs all the glory.

JonProphets particularly, do hear God, have revelation, and have the ability to speak into situations and circumstances in a way that is greatly helpful to the church, but foundational to every single thing they do, and at the heart of every authentic prophetic ministry is this great battle cry, challenge and urgent plea and whisper of the Spirit – Christ, and Christ alone!