In touch

Get in contact

People contact me with all sorts of questions about the prophetic ministry – I don’t always have the answers, but if I can help or advise in anyway then I will!

Unfortunately, I cannot respond to requests for private prophetic words or interpretation of dreams.

This is not due to a lack of care or concern, but in recognition of two things;

First, the sheer number of requests for input could overwhelm me, and I would be unable to respond. Therefore, rather than ignore requests, I would like to indicate here why they would not be answered.

The second reason is that relationships are vital and important, and they form the context for how God builds us up. My recommendation is for you to seek out Christian ministry from those with whom you have a relationship, whether they are trusted leaders in pastoral or prophetic ministry or family and friends.

Leaders and friends God has placed in your life will not only pray for you and impart to you but will also walk alongside you as you steward the speaking of the Lord to your life. Thank you for understanding this position, and truly appreciate your understanding.

It is always good to hear from visitors who have been encouraged by the website, so feel free to get in touch.