3 Significant ways to increase your prophetic gift

3 Significant ways to increase your prophetic gift Do you find it intimidating when you look into the life story of Samuel, Elijah and Elisha and see these mere men hearing, seeing, discerning the very words of God, in a way that is beyond us?

They audibly heard God, knew his voice, followed his leading, direction, guidance. Simply put, they knew God.

A rising quest to hear God is emerging

Despite the formidable challenges that many have faced recently in the global pandemic of the Corona-19 virus, with it’s accompanying times of social isolation and distancing (not to mention the lock downs) an ever-increasing number of people in the Church have a desire to hear God and be responsive to all that he is saying and doing.

There is a rising desire to not just hear God, but to ensure that those moments are not overlooked with the business of life. Many are making it a priority in their lives to connect in whatever way they can with the gift of prophecy and prophetic ministry, being ever mindful of how God is already leading them as individuals, but also, collectively, as part of the Church. It’s an encouraging moment – the gifts of the Spirit are here to build the Church. And we’re still building. The finished product will be magnificent – a real tribute and blessing to God!

The exciting thing is, there is still room for more of the activity of the Holy Spirit in the midst of this moment – whether it be from a distance, over a fence, on YouTube-Church, on WhatsApp or using Zoom! Encouragement is at hand and here are three very simple ways that will bring a fresh, invigorating sense of ‘increase’ into the mix of what we do in regards to ‘prophetic stuff’ in the opportunities that God sends our way.

1. Prophetic vision – what is God revealing to you?

The first of these is rudimentary, God really does reveal himself – he is a God who discloses his Will and intent by way of his Word and by revelation. He is the speaking God. Our only hesitation together, is to be upfront clear and transparent about what God is showing us.We have nothing to prove. If God has shown you little, it is all we need. Nothing more, nothing less.

There is no need to include superfluous words to affirm what God may be saying or doing. In fact probably the less said, the clearer the message!

It is not always straightforward for us to make sense of what God has revealed or indicated through things that come to mind or in visions or dreams. Sometimes other people we trust in our churches need to step in and interpret or evoke a more coherent sense of what God is revealing to us. God reveals himself in ways that astonish us. Always remember, God is different to you – He’s God. When and as he chooses to disclose himself to us, none of our ‘humanness’ will stop him saying what he is saying. Prophets are just the messengers!

2. Relentless Pursuit of God

Being honest about what God is revealing is one thing, the second factor is the determined, intentional and Spirit-led objective of being one who is on a relentless pursuit of the Presence of God.

Prophets occasionally see and encounter angels. They see, hear, dream, see visions feel, discern and know what God is saying, doing, showing, revealing – but it is not their secret to reveal.

Be one of those people in your church who are calling on God, in pursuit of God not for things next Sunday but for months away, years away from today. People committed to God for the long, long haul. It is a unique calling. Sometimes they have nothing to say, because God has not said anything.That’s not a problem. Better to say nothing than have God reprove you for saying what he did not say! (Remember Moses striking the rock?)

It can be a strange thing but prophets occasionally see and encounter angels. They see, hear, dream, see visions feel, discern and know what God is saying, doing, showing, revealing – but it is not their secret to reveal. Nothing will be said until God determines the time has arrived. So, there it is, speak only about what you comfortably feel God is revealing to you, what He is allowing and telling you to show. When in doubt, share with your church leaders and get their support and guidance. Just don’t get all weird or controlling. Sometimes (and yes it is a conundrum.) you may have to let something just be put on the back burner. It happens, but it doesn’t always mean you are wrong, it might just not be the right time.

Don’t forget how incredible this is – you, a mere mortal, are learning precisely to be a mouthpiece for God!

3. A radical pursuit of God

Finally, something that typically has nothing to do with the level of gifting, calling or anointing that you feel God has placed on you, is the call to spend much of your life in secret, alone with God. We affectionately call it a radical pursuit of God. Everyone is welcome! It’s a life-long journey.

These three extraordinary things (faith that God is revealing himself and a relentless and radical pursuit of God) are about having faith, walking in active obedience and intentionally seeking God. If you are genuinely wanting God to divinely reveal his express purposes, plans and specific intent, it is likely to produce excellent fruit if you continue eagerly seeking and imploring God. Moses again; remember when he saw the burning bush? It was when he drew near to look that God called to him.

For you and me, nothing justly compares with the audacious wonder and value of affectionate intimacy of being with the living, resurrected Christ. When He said, “Follow me” the compelling call, still lingers in the air.

JonYou will experience a genuine increase of God’s abundant blessing and presence as you embrace the scripture-honouring, Christ-exalting, God-honouring decision to be in life-long pursuit of increasing intimacy with Christ. It’s a journey worth instantly taking; and don’t forget that encouragement – God does nothing without revealing it to His servants the prophets…

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