When There’s Not Much on the Table

The Church has always experienced the call to trust God not just for tomorrow, but also for today.

It is a difficult decision to follow – did Jesus really mean that whatever we ask for in prayer, that it would be given? And what of the encouragement to not be anxious for anything, including food and clothes?

It is always useful and faith inspiring for us to look into the tapestry of biblical stories and be drawn into a narrative that is both familiar and profoundly moving. The world might overlook such moments, but for those with eyes to see, every unfolding event is a testament to ‘Jehovah Jireh’, the God who sees and provides.

Such a challenge is seen in 2 Kings 4. A widow, burdened by debt, stands before Elisha. Her larder holds but a mere jar of oil. To the external observer, the horizon seemed bleak, but isn’t this where God often does His finest work? And what of the formidable providence demonstrated here!

Parallel this with the account in the Gospels where Jesus, presented with a meagre five loaves and two fish, feeds a multitude. Or, casting our gaze further back, recall Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness. Manna descends from the heavens, not just for a day, but day after day – a daily testimony to the enduring faithfulness of God.

“For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing.” (Deuteronomy 2:7) God is as good as His Word.

In moments of miraculous provision, our hearts are ablaze with wonder, appreciation and worship. God is good.

Each instance unveils Jehovah Jireh, not just as the provider of needs but as the lover of souls who deeply cares for His children. In the crunch of manna, the overflow of oil, or the multiplication of loaves, it’s not just about the provision. It’s a testament to God’s nature, His faithfulness, and His persistent, relentless and unyielding commitment to His people.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Here then, lies the crux of our human predicament.

As Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom, He called for faith – not just a faith that nods in assent but a faith that leaps mountains and calms tempests. When the table seems bare, when the debts loom large, or when the wilderness stretches endless, do we not hear His call?

“…if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

Isn’t this the audacious challenge to our faith? To trust Jehovah Jireh with an unwavering heart, to take Him at His word, and to rest in the assurance of His promises? Perhaps our greatest challenge isn’t the absence of miracles but the presence of a diminished faith. The table may appear almost empty, but our God is abundant.

The Lord’s provision doesn’t call for a calculated response; it demands a surrendered heart. As we traverse our life’s journey, may we continually echo the Psalmist’s sentiment: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1, ESV)

In a postmodern era where cynicism often overshadows trust, let’s not waver. Let’s be a people of not just small faith, but great faith. Not merely because of what God does, but because of who He is. Let’s sit at the table, even when it appears sparse, with the assurance that He who has promised is faithful.

In moments of scarcity or plenty, may our hearts resound with gratitude, faith, and above all, trust. For even when there’s not much on the table, the Lord as Jehovah Jireh sees, knows, and provides.

Trusting Him isn’t just a theological notion; it’s the pulse of a life surrendered to a generous, miraculous God.

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