The Trump assassination attempt


The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has captured the world’s attention due to the violence of the act and the mayhem it would have caused had it been successful.

President Trump was perhaps one centimetre away from death and had turned his head slightly to read the stats from his teleprompter, unusual because he strongly dislikes using them. It is easy to understand why many people are keen to suggest that God saved Trump.

A Small Detail with Potential Significance

My attention was caught by something else in the live television segment of the event. As he was being escorted to safety, his shoes came off when he fell. As they tried to escort him, he was heard to protest twice, “Let me put my shoes on!” This very small and seemingly insignificant detail, heard but overlooked by many, is sure to ignite a wave of prophetic speculation in some parts of the prophetic community. Just like the war horses running through the streets of London, not once but twice recently, this event may justifiably warrant some attention, especially as the given event happens twice.

Symbolism of Shoes in the Bible

The potential meanings behind this event, seen through a theological lens and guided by biblical scripture and prophetic insight, are somewhat compelling. Nevertheless, this could have been nothing more than President Trump’s shoes falling off—back off, nothing to see!

Shoes carry significant symbolic weight in the Bible, sometimes representing authority, preparation, and readiness for a given task. In Ephesians 6:15, believers are urged to have their “feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Shoes in this passage symbolise preparedness and the authority to spread God’s message. All believers are exhorted in this, especially given that to believe the good news is also to share it. It’s odd if we believe the great news of the gospel and do not want to tell others about it.

A brilliant example of “good news sharing” is demonstrated by the lepers in the book of Kings, who stumble across food and say that it would be wrong not to tell of that unexpected good news: “Then they said to one another, ‘We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news; if we are silent and wait until the morning light, punishment will overtake us. Now, therefore, come, let us go and tell the king’s household'” (2 Kings 7:9, ESV).

Biblical Instances of Shoe Removal

In the Old Testament, the removal of shoes can denote a significant change in status or condition. In Ruth 4:7, a man takes off his sandal to confirm a legal transaction, symbolising the transfer of rights and responsibilities. Similarly, when Moses encounters the burning bush, God commands him to remove his sandals (Exodus 3:5), marking a moment of profound reverence and recognition of divine authority.

But how does this relate to the former president’s incident on 13 July 2024? The image of Trump’s shoes coming off as he fell could be interpreted in several ways. One perspective might see it as a symbolic loss of authority or a shift in his power. Just as Moses removed his sandals before God, indicating humility and submission, Trump’s shoe loss might signify a moment of vulnerability and a potential shift in his political influence.

On the other hand, when Trump insisted on putting his shoes back on before being moved to safety, it could be seen as a symbolic act of reclaiming his authority and readiness to continue his role. This might reflect the prodigal son’s return in Luke 15:22, where the father commands that shoes be put on his son’s feet, symbolising restoration and acceptance.

Prophetic Interpretations and Caution

Prophetic interpretations of events require caution—not everything is a sign. We need to learn how to discern what is just an event and when God is actually drawing our attention to something that happens in front of us. Amos was asked what he saw before him, and God commended him for seeing correctly. The initiative of revelation was with God. Sometimes we look out at life as normal, but a sensitivity to the Spirit’s prodding causes us to ‘notice’ something.

This happens a lot to me; I just suddenly notice something. It looks different, has a different hue or colour to it, or when calling people out in a meeting, some of the congregation seem to have “smiley faces.” True revelation comes from God and should not be confused with human speculation. The Bereans in Acts 17:11 were commended for examining the Scriptures daily to verify the truth of what they heard. Similarly, any prophetic interpretation should aim to strengthen, encourage, and comfort the church, as stated in 1 Corinthians 14:3.

A Cautionary Tale and Final Thoughts

As an aside, the story of the two prophets in 1 Kings 13:11-25 serves as a challenging reminder of the importance of obedience and discernment. The young prophet’s tragic end after being misled by an older prophet underscores the need for integrity and careful adherence to God’s guidance. This narrative warns us against complacency and highlights the consequences of failing to follow divine instructions. Obedience saves you from the lion!

While the detail of Trump’s shoes coming off during the assassination attempt might be seen as prophetically significant, it is crucial to approach such interpretations with discernment and humility. This event serves as a reminder of the transient nature of human authority and the enduring sovereignty of God. It also points us back to the gospel’s call for us to live lives of righteousness, peace, and readiness to advance God’s kingdom.

What are the things that God is showing you—fleetingly, yet enough to catch your attention?