The coming high tide

In the intricate tapestry of the Church’s journey, we find ourselves at an interesting juncture. Across countless congregations, there is a noticeable shift – an academic tilt, if you will, that has seen the Church’s heartbeat realign from the tangible experiences of God’s power to an era of doctrinal precision.

While scripture is foundational, and teaching holds its undeniable place in building up the Body of Christ, an overemphasis on cerebral, middle-class academics threatens to eclipse the dynamic power and presence of the Spirit.

Imagine the church as a vast, grand amphitheatre. At its heart, should not the gospel, with its life-altering truths, resonate? And yet, in some corners, the stage is taken not by the raw, transformative power of the Spirit, but by eloquent orators and academics. The concern isn’t their presence; it’s the silence of others. A silence that speaks of gifts unused, callings unheeded, and potential untapped. The platform becomes exclusive to elders, with no young Joshua being raised under the tutelage of Moses, no Timothy under Paul.

Don’t let “Presence of God” moments – those soul-stirring, faith-affirming instances – grow distant in the rear-view mirror.

This shift is not without consequences. The powerful manifestations of the Spirit, the very gifts that the Apostle Paul described in 1 Corinthians 12 as vital for the edification of the church, are relegated to the back shelves of our collective experience. “Presence of God” moments – those soul-stirring, faith-affirming instances – grow distant in the rear-view mirror.  Yet, in this backdrop of ebbing spiritual fervour, hope, as always, flickers resiliently. A local prophet paints an image of God’s Spirit as the ceaseless waves of the sea, each ebb and flow dictated by the rhythm of divine design. As they stood next to the edge of the waters in the vision envisioned not a receding tide but a monumental, lingering high-tide which lasted far longer than normal.

This impending surge speaks of a mighty move of God – a time when His Spirit will flood the banks of our constraints, revitalizing parched grounds and preparing His church for future seasons, however challenging they might be. God is inspiring faith not fear, anxiety is not how we should face the future, no matter the challenges it may bring. We have a sober expectation in all things, seen or unseen, God is with us.

We must lean into this promise and anticipate this spiritual inundation. The academic, theological and doctrinal truths, while valuable, should serve the Spirit’s movement, not overshadow it. As the Body of Christ, we must realign our focus. In the words of A.W. Tozer, “God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.”

This certainly is an hour for churches to foster an environment where emerging leaders can rise and existing leaders redeployed, where a wealth of the gifts of the Spirit flourish uninhibited (where more than 1 tongue is heard – qualifying us as a charismatic church!), and where the gospel – in its power and simplicity – remains central.

As the waves of God’s Spirit promise to crest once more, let’s anchor ourselves in expectant hope and unyielding commitment to His purpose. After all, the tide, under the sovereign hand of God, is always on time.


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