Igniting The Flame

Igniting The Flame: Fanning The Gifts of the Spirit in a Postmodern Era

Today, we find ourselves amidst times of uncertainty, a world marked by scepticism, chaos, and confusion. A majority of people reportedly do not believe in God, a crisis of faith further exasperated by political unrest, economic strain, and complex gender issues. I believe, along with many, that we, as a church, stand at a significant crossroads. There is a pressing need to reignite God’s power through miraculous signs and wonders, heeding the call to stir up the Spirit’s gifts (2 Timothy 1:6).

I hold the Scripture in high esteem, recognising it as ‘breathed out by God’ (2 Timothy 3:16), a divine inspiration that serves to build, comfort, and encourage us (1 Corinthians 14:3). While feeding our souls on the Scripture we must not overlook the dynamic manifestation of the Holy Spirit through signs, wonders, and miracles, as witnessed in the early church. Paul emphasised that his ministry wasn’t merely about talk, but about power: “For the Kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power” (1 Corinthians 4:20).

Reflecting on the practices of the early church, I encourage a balanced approach that equally honours both the Scripture and the demonstration of the Spirit’s power. To penetrate hearts hardened by modern challenges, we must embrace a broader and practical expression of the Gospel. This thought is captured succinctly in Mark 16:17-18: “And these signs will accompany those who believe… they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

No matter where we find ourselves – New Frontiers, the Pentecostal Church, the Church of England, or any other denomination – we’re all yearning to see more of God’s power. Signs, wonders, and miracles are more than just helpful; they’re absolutely essential. We can’t let ourselves get so caught up in intellectual pursuits that we overlook the simple, yet profound, ways God’s Spirit is moving amongst us.

Defending Our Faith Through Miraculous Signs

Miraculous signs and wonders serve as compelling evidence of a living and active God. They represent God’s deliberate engagements with our world. In Exodus 7:3-5, God performed miracles to exhibit His supreme power to both Egyptians and Israelites. In a similar way, the spread of God’s Word in the book of Acts often coincided with astonishing events, reinforcing the truth of the Apostles’ teachings (Acts 2:43, 5:12).

In an era saturated with doubt and denial, these miraculous occurrences offer a robust defence of our faith. They bridge the gap between scepticism and belief, authenticating the Gospel, endorsing God’s Word, and demonstrating His divine power in palpable forms.

These miraculous signs and wonders also resonate in our lives today, creating awe-inspiring moments that defy human reasoning. As we bear witness to these happenings, in our personal lives and in the world around us, they serve as potent reminders of God’s continual presence and activity in the world. Not only do they fortify our faith, but they also serve as a testament to non-believers, revealing to them God’s transformative power and loving character. In short, signs and wonders remain an effective means of validating and conveying our faith in an increasingly sceptical world.

Experiencing Divine Grace Through the Extraordinary

Consider miracles, signs, and wonders as exceptional conduits of God’s grace, manifesting His acts of healing, liberation, and provision. These extraordinary channels reflect His profound love, mercy, and empathy for a distressed world.

John’s gospel, chapter 9, offers an enlightening illustration: a man born blind receives sight, not because he asked Jesus, but because of Jesus’ abundant compassion and grace. This act transcended physical healing – it sparked spiritual insight. After the miracle, the once-blind man professed his belief in Jesus as the Son of God (John 9:38).

In our contemporary world, miracles still hold an integral role. They serve as powerful turning points, guiding individuals towards Christ. They provide not only physical healing but also light the path to spiritual wisdom. They’re instances of God’s loving touch in our lives, making us realise our need for Him. They stimulate our spiritual senses, encouraging us to seek divine truth. They serve as tangible evidence of God’s enduring presence, love, and commitment to humanity’s welfare, thus enabling us to deepen our faith and commitment to Him.

Empowerment Through Signs and Wonders

Miraculous acts, or “signs and wonders”, serve not only to draw people towards Christ but also to reinforce believers’ faith and encourage them to share the Good News. The Apostle Paul’s life-altering encounter with Christ, combined with the Holy Spirit’s infilling, empowered him to become a key figure in disseminating the Gospel far and wide.

Facing the modern-day challenges of disbelief, social unrest, and deep scepticism, we need to renew our faith and courage through the Holy Spirit. Welcoming signs, wonders, and miracles once again can reassert not only God’s immense power but also His transformative work within us and through us.

As Christians, we should strive for a balanced understanding of faith, respecting the written Word and also accepting the Holy Spirit’s power expressed through miraculous signs. In our postmodern world, the Spirit’s gifts are vital, and we must foster them. God’s power manifested through these gifts serves as conduits of grace, change, and encouragement, holding immense potential to rejuvenate faith in our era. Like the early church, we should pray for courage to speak God’s word and for His hand to perform miracles through Jesus, His holy servant (Acts 4:29-30). This balanced theology can invigorate our faith and actions.

Comforting a World in Pain Through Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

I never imagined as a child the vigorous challenges that would face me and millions of others. However, here we are in a world distressed by political chaos and the high cost of living. In this context, the relevance of the compassion of Christ reflected in the need for miraculous signs and wonders, is growing increasingly evident.

Reflecting on Jesus’ ministry in the gospels, His miracles weren’t merely displays of divine power; they were primarily acts of compassion for those in distress. Whether healing the sick, feeding the hungry, or raising the dead, Jesus’ miracles provided comfort, relief, and pointed towards a kingdom where sorrow and suffering would be no more (Revelation 21:4).

In the context of reformed charismatic theology, this serves as a reminder that the Spirit we invite is the Spirit of Christ. As we pray for a resurgence of signs, wonders, and miracles, we should remember that these supernatural acts are not an end in themselves. Rather, they aim to bring comfort and relief to those in distress, as Christ did.

The challenge

With the scepticism, turmoil, and ambiguity prevalent in society, the church faces both a challenge and a responsibility. Our task is to invigorate the spiritual gifts bestowed upon us, showcasing our God as not just a figure of the past, but a vibrant, engaged force in our current reality. We should strive for a balanced theological understanding that respects the sanctity of the Scripture while recognising the transformative power of the Holy Spirit through signs, wonders, and miraculous acts.

This isn’t a call for blind faith or unchecked zeal, but an invitation to a deeper understanding of God’s nature and His active participation in the world. As we seek a revival of signs, wonders, and miracles, let it be guided by wisdom, discernment, and a genuine desire to see God’s kingdom come on earth, aligning our will with His, as in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

And… let’s endeavour to uphold the charisma and transformative power of faith, not as a relic of bygone times, but as a beacon of hope and redemption for today and the future. Remember, as the body of Christ, our faith is vibrant and dynamic, a stronghold in times of doubt and despair. We must encourage one another to fully engage with the Holy Spirit, welcoming the awe-inspiring manifestations of God’s power, standing firm on the foundation of God’s Word. Our balanced theology will ensure the church remains a relevant and influential force for good, injecting life and power into a world desperate for the love, grace, and mercy of our living God.


I know you want to see the power of God, especially in your own ministry experience. You can’t just turn it on like a light switch.

In our sincere longing to experience the divine, let’s remember that our journey begins with the heartfelt act of prayer. Prayer is our personal dialogue with God, a lifeline that allows us to comprehend His divine plans.  In our quiet moments of prayer, let’s humbly invite God’s Word to reshape our lives, ignite faith and expectancy, knowing that it can spark a transformation within us.

Another vital aspect to embrace is our understanding of God’s sovereignty. J.I. Packer, once reflected that “The Christian’s life in all aspects – intellectual and ethical, devotional and relational, upsurging in worship and outgoing in witness – is supernatural.” It’s essential to accept that God, in His supreme wisdom, moves in His own time. Frustrating, I know – but it is perfect timing. Although we might earnestly yearn to witness miracles, we must understand that they occur at God’s discretion, not ours.

Remember, faith isn’t simply about believing in certain truths, but actively trusting in God’s promises (James 2:14-26). Biblical miracles often unfolded in situations where active faith was present. Heidi Baker, a well known missionary in Mozambique, has frequently witnessed the miraculous healing power of God as she tirelessly served the needy, even seeing the dead raised. By living out our faith, we open the door to the manifestation of God’s wondrous power.

Our hearts should also cultivate compassion, as miracles frequently sprang from Christ’s deep compassion in the New Testament. A heart resonating with God’s compassion is more likely to be a channel for His miraculous works.

Lastly, but certainly not least, is the call to embrace a life of holiness. As we eagerly pursue signs and wonders, let’s not forget to strive for holiness (Hebrews 12:14). Miracles are a testament to God’s holy nature, not our worthiness.

Let’s courageously seek God through prayer, acknowledge His sovereignty, live out our active faith, cultivate a heart of compassion, and strive towards a life of holiness.

In doing so, we will create an environment conducive to the manifestation of God’s miraculous power, becoming beacons of His love and grace in a world thirsting for divine intervention.

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