Prophetic Momentum

Jon Cressey writing mostly about church, prophets & prophecy...


Updated April 10th 2024

Hello, I’m Jon Cressey, welcome to “Prophetic Momentum” This site is a collection of my notes, thoughts, and perspectives on a range of topics related to the church, prophets, and prophecy. My aim is to share a few insights and reflections to hopefully resonate with you at any stage of your Christian spiritual journey.

Like many visiting this website, I have witnessed the impact of prophetic ministry in equipping, encouraging, and building up the church. My hope is that Prophetic Momentum proves to be a resource that you find both enlightening and personally encouraging as you navigate your own path.  I’m inspired by the prophet Habakkuk “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2:3)  It reminds us to hold onto hope, to persevere in faith, and to trust in the unfolding of God’s perfect timing—even when the wait seems long, and the vision appears distant. ~ Enjoy!

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